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  There can be magic in the touch of a hand that loves you.
  It brings comfort and a silent promise that says, “I am here and you are not alone.”
  When my children were born, I memorized every detail about them: the skin that felt so soft, the lips that looked like a pink flower, and the eyes that looked deep into my soul.
  And of course, their hands.
  As babies, they reached for me whenever they were hungry or tired or just needed to be held. Sometimes, if they woke in the night, just the touch of my hand would ease them back to sleep. They clung to me when they took their first steps and we held hands when crossing streets and walking from the car to their classroom on their first day of school.
  My hands picked them up when they fell, and clapped louder than anybody at their sports games and plays. Their hands waved at me from the window of a school bus, the stage of an auditorium, and from the bottom of a pool.
  As they grew older and more independent, I noticed that they didn't hold my hand much any more. I told myself it was part of growing up and I should just be glad they could do things on their own now. But when you've been needed so much for such a long time, it's hard to step back and feel unnecessary.
  Then one day, I was visiting my oldest son in New York, where he was working as an actor on a TV show.
  As we were about to cross a busy street that filled with traffic, he grabbed my hand, shouted,“Hang on to me, Mom,” then led me safely across.
  At that moment, I realized two things. First, my boy had become a man. Second, it was clear that our roles had changed. We still needed each other, but in different ways than before.
  That scene has replayed in various ways with each of my three children.
  They have all taught me to lean on them just as they once leaned on me, and that we can always lean on each other. We live miles apart, but stay in touch every day.
  There is magic and comfort and healing in the touch of a hand that loves you, even if it “touches” you from afar.
  1.How did the author get along with her children when they were young?
  A.She was very strict with them.
  B.She overprotected them.
  C.She was too busy to take care of them.
  D.She developed a close bond with them.
  2. How did the author feel when her kids became more independent?
  A.She felt lonely for living apart from them.
  B.She found it hard not to be needed anymore.
  C.She was worried that they couldn't manage themselves.
  D.She was pleased to be able to step back and enjoy herself.
  3. The author's visit to her son in New York made her realize ( ).
  A.she needed her son more than beforeB.time with children is always funC.her kids had become mature and reliableD.she was unwilling to accept the change in their roles
  4. The author wrote this article mainly to ( ).
  A.show the power of the touch of a hand
  B.describe the growth of her children
  C.explore how to interact with children
  D.present how parents influence their kids
  5. Which of the following statements can describe the autbor?
  A.Her children don't need her anymore now.
  B.She regretted spoiling her children when they were young.
  C.She felt very proud when she first found that her oldest son had grown up.
  D.She keeps a good relation with her children even though living apart.
  【精析】D 根据第五、六段内容可知,当作者的孩子年幼时,作者经常用自己的双手为孩子做很多事情。由此可推知,当作者的孩子年幼时,作者和孩子建立了一种亲密的关系。故选D。
  【精析】B根据第七段最后一句“But when you've been needed so much for such a long time, it's hard to step back and feel unnecessary.”可知,当你在很长一段时间里被需要时,你很难后退一步,觉得不再被需要。故选B。
  3.【参考答案】C[考点]推理判断题【精析】C 根据倒数第四段可推知,作者的纽约之行让她意识到自己的孩子已经长大成人,变得可以让人依靠了。故选C。
  4.【参考答案】A[考点]推理判断题【精析】A 第一段“There can be magic in the touch of a hand that loves you.”点明了文章主旨,即一只爱你的手的触摸有魔力;接下来的几段通过举例证明了这一观点;最后一段和第一段相互照应,再次强调主旨。由此可推知,作者写这篇文章是为了说明手触摸的力量。故选A。
  【精析】D 根据倒数第二段最后一句“We live miles apart, but stay in touch every day.”可知,虽然作者和其孩子相隔几英里,但每天保持联系。由此可推知,虽然作者和其孩子离得远,但他们关系良好。故选D。

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